Saturday, January 07, 2006

Blue memoirs

Blue... The colour that makes me life, the colour that I love the most and the colour that I wish should be in every part and parcel of my life...

I don't know exactly, when I developed so much of liking towards blue. One day, I incidentally found out that more than half of my wardrobe was filled with attires in various shades of blue... Even now, I wear blue for most of the days - that makes me feel happy, confident and brings a smile on my face(Don't ask me how) :-)

My college buses, Bangalore mail and Brindavan Express, Tata Indicom ads, My CD pouch, My mom's saree for last Diwali - the list of blues that attracted me is endless... I learnt that I can even overcome the effect of Monday blues with my favourite blue dress... Such is the impact of the color on me!!!

P.S: And this is the reason why my blogspot changed to blue spot few days back :-D


Anonymous said...

I too like blue a lot..but, then u should join Big Blue ..and not Wipro, man ! [;)

Anonymous said...

old post though !! , i love blue tooo :P